Price F-

No grade on this one since I paid $4 for a month, but that was a special discount price to drum up business.

As you will see in the rest of the review Petandrive will need to find an acceptable price point that people are willing to pay and still not feel they are getting taken because of some of Petandrive's failings.

I saw somewhere else that the price might fall between 20 and 40 dollars a month. If that is accurate they would need to address these problems before rolling that out. If not that might leave many people feeling burned, news would spread like wildfire on the internet, and they would be left without much business and a trashed reputation.

You don't get many chances in the business world and even less with an internet business, bad word of mouth lasts forever.


Well, with things not actually working even at $4 the price is too much. Grade is now F-.

**additional info**
The owner's name was Rechavia Elias

