Sum it up F-

It is unfortunate that with so many unique features they have brought to the file storage business they fail in several areas. The poor performance on dependability and support brought the overall score down to a C-, they barely squeaked by a D+ by 1 point.

**update** due to the speed issue after the latest outage and the impact it had on the various categories the overall grade has dropped to a F-. I DO NOT RECOMMEND A PREMIUM ACCOUNT, ONLY DOWNLOAD WHAT YOU CAN GET FOR FREE, and even then you will find it frustrating. Why bother at less than 50kb/s.

Unless they can address these issues I don't anticipate them being in business long. I also believe when the end comes it will be sudden and without warning.

My suggestion would be that if you do decide to take a chance on them you use the credit card option with PayPal so that you have 2 options to get your money back, PayPal, and then your credit card company.

DO NOT put anything out there that you have no copy of.

Also, do not upload anything sensitive that is not zipped with a password. This is not a plug, but 7zip makes a zipper/unzipper that handles an amazing number of formats. Best of all its free. And it allows you to zip a file with a password, which should be sufficient to handle most sensitive data. If your data is so sensitive you feel you must use actual encryption/decryption software you might want to rethink saving it here.

I WOULD NEVER EVER save any company data here.

I would not get involved in their affiliate program, I see lots of comments around the internet where people are feeling ripped off.

Also, if you are downloading lots of stuff be sure you don't get into trouble with your internet provider. Some of them are starting to crack down on the amounts of data you can download each month before your start incurring extra charges. And it can be easy to get carried away with a service like this.

Regards, be careful out there...

**additional info**
The owner's name was Rechavia Elias

